Vi Är Världen
Sommaren 2022 Annordnade vi cirkusträning för barn och ungdomar på Ängsbacka i Molkom i samarbete med Värmlands Cirkus festival och region Värmland. Ett viktigt mål med projektet är att stärka deltagarnas tro på sej själva och deras förmågor att kunna genomföra saker som de kanske inte trodde de kunde innan och att sprida glädje och att visa att cirkus är något som skapar kreativitet och utvecklar förmågan att samarbeta tillsammans med andra.
Medverkande: Lion, Avelon, Joakim, Dylan, Nova,Elias, Jack, Naju, Luna, Satya
Lina Jungergård och Iris Pixley

Projekt ansvariga; Ida ,Lina och Vide
The Cloud Clown was born from an idea of making a cloud out of wool. And then if I would be to put it on my head in it I would have the head in a cloud and “head in the clouds” is an idiom meaning often interpreted not knowing the facts of a situation and spending to much time thinking about love or other things that are not practical.
“A person described with this manner may be given to whimsical thoughts or flighty behavior. She may seem scatterbrained, careless or even out of touch with reality”.
So I asked myself the question; What would happen if I would pretend to be a cloud? To live my cloud character fully… I have been experimenting with this thought together with friends and audiences at festivals. I’ve been juggling with ideas and with different objects like balls. I’ve had balloons filled with helium rising from my suitcase. I’ve been high up on stilts thinking that that it would make me more cloud like… I have been spraying water from a spray can giving audiences a refreshing or/and surprising shower.
You might think that clouds are just freely drifting around in the sky… But they are a complex natural phenomena, responding to the environment or you could maybe say they are the environment.
I want to thank everyone that’s been contributing to this “heads in the cloud” research so far. Hyttdreva i Bergslagen, Taggad i Hällefors, Värmlands Cirkus festival i Forshaga.